The series had been running in the music section but as U2 appears in this one I’ll add it here.
London Calling vs Sunday Bloody SundayHeavyweight bout here between 2 songs with a political focus. What many think is the Clash’s finest song against the song that helped propel U2 to mainstream success.
London Calling Title song from the 1979 album, London Calling deals with the frustration that had set in with the younger generation in the 70’s. Nuclear War, the Thames flooding London, 3 mile island, and the bands own frustration with their label and management all are part of the song.
The song reached number 11 on the UK charts but over the years grew in popularity.
Sunday Bloody SundayThe song that helped break U2. About the troubles in Northern Ireland and “Bloody Sunday” in Derry in 1972. One of Larry’s most famous drum patterns and riff from the Edge.
Like many U2 songs Bono used the Bible to help write lyrics:
Matthew 10:35 - mother's children; brothers, sisters torn apart
Revelation 21:4 - wipe your tears away
1 Corinthians 15:32 - let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die.