It had to be… One.
One certainly get overplayed. I also believe it was never as good live as it is on record. Except for that strings version at the Pavarotti concert, thanks to Michael Kamen.
Anyway, I think One encapsulates U2’s genius, that 4 guys in a room quality.
That said, it also encapsulates U2’s « ambition bites the nails of success » syndrome. There’s this interview where Bono complains about the lack of chorus in the song and says « we should have called it 14 because that’s how high it went in the charts ». The Edge corrects him and says it was 4.
I also remember a version U2 recorded for television while on rehearsal for Zoo TV and at the end of the song, Bono screams « I want to be number one ! », which is kind of pathetic.
I know both examples are tongue in cheek but I can’t help thinking that, while they accept One as a fan favorite, it also fueled Bono & Edge’s ambition to be recognized as songwriters in the traditional sense. Something more elegant than 4 guys in a room. Now we get to the point where I’m not sure they are still able to jam as 4 people in a room. Very sad.