Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...

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Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« on: December 02, 2017, 06:17:09 PM »
Always interesting I reckon to compare an opinion years down the track from when it was formed. By diving back to the @u2 forum (thanks Wookie) I've found my 'just released' thoughts on SOI.

"post your own reviews of Songs Of Innocence here"

Has much changed? Well, not really. I don't listen to it much, but the only u2 albums I find myself revisiting these days are Boy, TUF, Achtung and Pop so that's not unusual.

Sleep Like a Baby I like more, California and EBW I like less.

If you can find yours, post it here, and then in 5 years when Songs of Ascent comes out we can look back on all 3

Quote from: Briscoetheque
Bugger, looks like I posted it in the wrong thread.

OK, have finally had a few listens.

I think it ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of people. The only weak song in my opinion is Song for Someone, seems very contrived and formulaic.

Am definitely enjoying the album the most from Iris onwards.


Miracle of Joey
Does what it needed to do for an iPhone commercial. Choruses and chunky guitars. Solid.

Every Breaking Wave
Like it, until it gets to the "all that you fashion, all that you make, all that you build, all that you break" ending. Oh. Well you know what I mean.

Hate the Ba-ba-barbara intro and then love the song once we're rid of those. Great use of synth that puts the guitars at the back in the chorus which really works - far better than they did on Magnificent in my opinion. It makes Edge's trademark pick-slide guitar solo stand out more than it ever did to me on Walk On where the guitar was front and square throughout

Song for Someone
Really think this is a huge weak link on the album. Sounds like the sort of song they used to give to winners of Pop Idol. Not going to upset anyone. But I'm already finding myself skipping it.

Things really start to pick up now. Fleetwood Mac 'Lies' intro notwithstanding

Had to have one of these to play live. A little throwaway on the album but I reckon it will go ok cranked up through a PA

Raised By Wolves
Love this. Love the lyrics, love the echoes of 'Wire' in some of the guitar work.

Cedarwood Road
If not for the closer, this would be the best song on the album.

Sleep Like A Baby tonight
Meanders a little but on the whole pretty inoffensive

This is where you can reach me
Like this a lot too. Doubt it will get an airing live but it's a really solid album track

The Troubles
Like many, I'm already a massive fan of this song. A real change in vibe for U2 and hopefully is an indication as to where 'Part 2' will pick up.

I don't hold this album up in my favourite 3 albums - Unforgettable Fire, Pop and Achtung will take a bit of moving - but my love for those has evolved.

Lyrically it's stronger than Bono has been in any album since Pop. Doesn't feel as contrived as the middle trilogy on No Line. It's far less formulaic than Atomic Bomb - which I did like for what it was - and it leaves All That You Can't Leave Behind for dead.

Pretty solid 8/10 to these ears. How it pairs with the next, or if the next even shows up, will give it some context as well.



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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2017, 06:28:43 PM »
Not sure I posted a review at the time, but for what it's worth...

When SOI was thrown at us, I could not listen to any other piece of music for 3 months. I had never felt like this with a record. I think the effect of surprise really played a big part.

I think what had to happen happened... I kind of overdosed and it's difficult for me to listen to it in its entirety. I still think it's good but time has not been kind to it.
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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2017, 06:47:35 PM »
it hasn't changed. ok i haven't listened to it as much but that's not related to the quality of the music. it's a solid through and through album with an amazing second half. there are weaker moments on it <SFS, Miracle, Cali> but i still like those <ok well SFS was always my least fav on the album>. i think SOE is a step forward in the same direction and doesn't have any SFS type tracks that i dislike, ironically using SFS's lyrics in a better song on SOE.

anyways my opinion hasn't changed on it.



Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2017, 06:51:05 PM »
When it first came out, my brother-in-law made me a copy on cd, mailed it to me to save me the money of buying it. Well, I liked it so much that I went out and spent my hard-earned on the version with the extra cd, mostly to have the "real" cover for it. After hearing the 2nd cd, I fell head over heels, and have never looked back. Great album.



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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2017, 07:47:22 PM »
I looked at the thread, but couldn't find a track-by-track review.
Reading Briscoe's past review though, it felt like reading my own thoughts, although I like Every Breaking Wave a little more (probably because of the 360° performances).

I actually wish The Miracle were a better song structurally and musically, because I like the lyrics, and they tend to stick with me after listening, or before...

Also this could be a good time to revisit Soldier, soldier, California and the Troubles in a live setting.

He wrote like wet paper mache, but then he went the lemmingway...



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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2017, 08:44:53 PM »
Quote from: 11 year old Pride, cringy af
The Music / Re: post your own reviews of Songs Of Innocence here
« on: September 09, 2014, 03:45:22 PM »

My reaction to the the album^

The Troubles was okay, I guess. I'll give it a few more listens.

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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2017, 08:47:51 PM »
Other gems include me ranking SFS above Miracle and Volcano, and saying SOI was my sixth favorite U2 album.
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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2017, 12:13:24 AM »
Found my initial review.

"Listened to the album 4 times now and letting it sink in. Gonna have to listen to it over the next few months to form my definitive opinion of it.

Initial thoughts are that it's good, but not great. On first listens there is no song that stands out to me as a 9 or 10 (out of 10). I do really like the Troubles. Very good song and a strong closer. Cedarwood Road and Sleep Like A Baby Tonight are other songs that stand out for me. My initial feeling is that the album is a 7/10. Hopefully it grows on me."

My thoughts haven't really changed. There's only 4 songs that are standouts for me and that I revisit.

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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2017, 05:50:10 AM »
I thought it was distinctly average when it was released and it has only gotten worse since. Thank god for SOE - massive improvement.



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Re: Looking back - your review of SOI at point of release...
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2017, 10:31:54 PM »
Since I was on @U2 staff at the time of SoI, it was easy to find my review.

"Some albums hit you instantly. Some are "growers" that require work on the part of the listener. I didn't have very high expectations for the new U2 album. At first glance, I thought that Songs Of Innocence was over-produced, perhaps too slick. I was underwhelmed, yet grateful just to have new music from U2. This album was either going to be a "grower" or another disappointment, like No Line On The Horizon or How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb.

That night, I listened to Songs Of Innocence while lying in bed with the lights out, using a pair of quality headphones. It finally clicked. Four things sealed the deal for me:

1. Adam and Larry really shine throughout the album.
2. The brilliance of "Every Breaking Wave" and "Song For Someone." Classic U2 songs. Perfect future singles.
3. Edge's guitar at 3:52 of "Sleep Like A Baby Tonight" mixed with the chimes. I only wish this could have played out longer.
4. "The Troubles" -- in my opinion, the best album closer U2 have done since "Wake Up Dead Man" on Pop.

It's not a perfect album, but it's definitely better than I expected. Rating: 8.5 out of 10"

----- 3 years later

I rarely listen to it at all. Point 1 is still valid. Point 2 I'm still ok with. Point 4 - "The Troubles" isn't as enjoyable as it used to seem.
I too think that I overdosed on the album for the first 1 to 3 months.

I have a hard time just STARTING the album because I hate the opening to Miracle. It makes me cringe. Most of the other tracks don't interest me to revisit, although I now love California. For most of the album, Bono yelps and is too far up in the mix. It makes me cringe.

The album has dropped from my initial rating of 8.5 to probably a 6.5 - just like I'd give Bomb and NLOTH, I don't have a desire to listen to them.
I saw Gloria live. Even if I never see the band live again, at least I saw Gloria live. :)