u2 related Dreams

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u2 related Dreams
« on: July 04, 2019, 11:21:10 AM »
I had my latest u2 related dream last night. In fact, as i type this, i realise it was possibly 2 different dreams. Usually, my u2 dreams are really cool, and sometimes, i even hear music in the dream, which is so beautiful. if only i could recall it once i woke up!

Anyway, last nights dreams.

First one, I was homeless and looking for a new house. A housing manager came to see me, to offer me a house. It wasnt a very nice house. But, lo and behold, who should be in my company at the time, But Bono (sitting next to me) and Edge, crashed on the floor. Bono muttered a few words, along the lines of him being a rock star. The housing officer was so impressed, she offered me a brand new house lol

Second dream i had, I was called in to replace Adam on a tour. Not sure the reasons behind it. Anyhoo.....i went along and played the gig. I didnt dream anything about the gig. But, in the dream, after the gig, i was listening to a bootleg of the gig, with my mates and i was doing great. But, i totally screwed up whilst playing I Cant Help, Falling In Love with you. So bad was it, that bono came to see me, to tell me the band would no longer need me. He also paid me. £10 000 in a cheque and he said the band would invest £20 000 into the gold trading market for me. He then put an app on my phone, so i could watch how my investment was doing. It was fluctuating wildly, but at times, it did treble in value lol (i get really detailed dreams)

Bizarre, but a lot of fun too. I love my u2 dreams



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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2019, 11:24:47 AM »
Smee, those are GREAT FUN dreams! I must admit that I'm a bit jealous...because believe it or not, I have NEVER had a U2 dream. (that I can talk about) hahaha. No really, I never have.
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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2019, 11:40:14 AM »
Smee, those are GREAT FUN dreams! I must admit that I'm a bit jealous...because believe it or not, I have NEVER had a U2 dream. (that I can talk about) hahaha. No really, I never have.
I have them fairly regularly. Usually, im just hanging out with Bono or The Edge. Poor Adam and Larry never seem to get a starring role. They are a lot of fun  :)



Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2019, 12:13:01 PM »
This is hilarious. I think U2 should perform this service for real. Just turn up when fans are involved in house moves to provide moral and, who knows, perhaps even financial support. I think they owe it to us.



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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2019, 12:26:47 PM »
This is hilarious. I think U2 should perform this service for real. Just turn up when fans are involved in house moves to provide moral and, who knows, perhaps even financial support. I think they owe it to us.
Play “People Get Ready” on acoustic while you pour sweat carrying boxes

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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2019, 01:02:51 PM »
This is hilarious. I think U2 should perform this service for real. Just turn up when fans are involved in house moves to provide moral and, who knows, perhaps even financial support. I think they owe it to us.
Play “People Get Ready” on acoustic while you pour sweat carrying boxes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

FANTASTIC!  I'm hoping to move house in the not too distant future.  The only thing is that it could be during rehearsals for TJT 2019.  And I don't live in the southern hemisphere.
One love, One blood, One life;
You got to do what you should.
One life; With each other
Sisters, Brothers
One life; But we're not the same
We get to carry each other, Carry each other



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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2019, 01:40:40 PM »
My famous dream is sneaking a pork chop into GA during IE tour.  I took it out of the ziplock bag and started eating it during Electric Co.  Then Bono got pissed and started yelling at me

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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2019, 02:45:12 PM »
The last time I listened to him do Maggie's Farm, I wondered what it would be like to be one of his kids and get yelled at with a voice like that.
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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2019, 10:08:45 PM »
I was just going to make a thread about this because I had a dream a few nights ago that I was going to share, It was kind of amusing in a way..

I still remember it quite vividly (which doesn't happen often) with dreams,

So what's funny is that (I can't remember if the band was there as well) Bono and Edge, I think? were playing a free concert on the top steps of the back porch of my house and there was a crowd of people below that filled up my entire backyard,

the dream started with me inside my house and looking out the window and seeing that Bono and band were outside my back porch playing a concert with a large gathering of people on my back lawn, so sneakily I snuck around the side of the house just as the concert was finishing and intercepted Bono and the band from exiting the stage through the back door,

my memory is kind of murky because the dream happened a few nights ago but I remember it was short hair Bono and I'm pretty sure he was wearing the glasses and black attire from 360 era and it was night time and the stage was best described as Elevation tour stage but there was no lighting except some very faint dimmed red light coming from a few spotlights over the stage, and the crowd was elevation era, dressed in black and no light coming from phones) So he and I and the band were just standing there on the makeshift stage on the steps of my back door and I'm just asking questions about the band and he's just standing there patiently answering my questions as casually as you can imagine like if you were talking to your Dad about the weekend football match, then suddenly out of the blue Bono goes 'right so what were we going to talk about again? ..oh right!  so... Pop

that's when I woke up,

I didn't remember anything that we talked about when I woke up, all I could remember is me introducing myself to Bono and then Bono responding in a manner that was very war, friendly and casual and he went into some long meandering discussion that I can't remember anything that was discussed, then he was like out of the blue: 'oh, right - so about Pop..

and I abruptly woke up. Unbelievable.. I was like damn he was going to reveal all the secrets about my favourite topic of discussion, my favourite U2 era and the dream had to end then and there?

« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 10:30:55 PM by restofit »


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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2019, 10:32:44 AM »
My dream that was on some strange loop this weekend,  i am walking through the neighborhood in the morning and there is college age dude shirtless outside watering his yard and he waves to me as i walk by.  When i get back home i am looking in the mirror and thinking that the college age dude looked a little bit like me,  and he's half my age.  It scares me as i think back to my escapades in the mid 90's,  how many of them can i even remember?  So the next morning i think i'm going to get out of bed and walk over to this dude and ask him if he knows who is father is....seems like a strange thing to do but let's be honest here....i get crazy ideas put into my head from time to time.

So i get up out of bed and i am contemplating how to approach this with the young man,  should i be blunt or try and be more cautious?  As i open the curtains in my bedroom something strange is apparently going off in my back yard.  I see these two giants standing outside,  taller than the trees probably 70 feet tall to be exact.  These giants appear to be having some sort of altercation with each other and they are getting rather loud. 

I go to the back door and open it up and yell at them "STFU U2 MORONS SOME PEOPLE ARE STILL TRYING TO SLEEP!" 

As one of them notices me he reaches down and grabs me with his giant hand,  lifts me up and puts me in a giant crossbow he is holding and loads me as his arrow,  pointing at the other giant.  And then boom,  he fires the crossbow and next thing i know i am a projectile flying through the air above my house and into the flesh of the other giant.  In an instant i am penetrating his flesh and breaking his bones and while breathless it occurs to me how interesting human anatomy can be. 

I must have traveled around his body for a bit before i exit his back with pieces of his giant heart in my hair,  i am still flying at a pretty good rate when i crash into the neighbors tree and tumble down to the ground,  hitting every branch along the way.  I lay on the ground covered in blood and tissue as i look up at the staggering giant who has a gushing wound in his chest and back. 

The giant stumbles a bit and then grabs his own machete and takes it to the other giant and delivers a fatal blow to his neck,  sending a geyser of blood pulsing from his artery.  The two of them both fall down onto my house,  first crashing onto the roof and then into the foundation,  totally destroying everything. 

Needless to say,  i woke up this morning with a giant headache and a mess to clean up.  But i think i will probably take a walk instead ;)



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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2019, 11:04:18 AM »
um. Wow! A very cool, but disturbing dream!
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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2019, 08:34:31 PM »
I’ve had quite a few. I started a thread over at @U2, I’ll try and find it.
The Edge: “[Eno] would love to see us making albums a bit more like [Zooropa]. Where we go, ‘You know what? We’re not going to second-guess any of this. Let’s just go for it.’”

U2 Fans: We'd all love to see that, Edge.


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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2019, 10:24:30 PM »
Here we go! Zeropartii posted too.



I had a dream I was watching Noel’s High Flying Birds (they’ll be supporting U2). Alt-country kinda sound. I actually haven’t listened to any of their music, so I don’t know what their sound is.
The Edge: “[Eno] would love to see us making albums a bit more like [Zooropa]. Where we go, ‘You know what? We’re not going to second-guess any of this. Let’s just go for it.’”

U2 Fans: We'd all love to see that, Edge.



Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2019, 11:12:38 AM »
Get well soon, Black Bono!


Amor fati

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Re: u2 related Dreams
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2019, 07:09:36 PM »
Here we go! Zeropartii posted too.



I had a dream I was watching Noel’s High Flying Birds (they’ll be supporting U2). Alt-country kinda sound. I actually haven’t listened to any of their music, so I don’t know what their sound is.

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Oh well   :D