My first time...believe it or not, although I've been a big fan since the early 80's when Boy first hit, for many reasons I did not see U2 live until 2015. I turned 60 in December of 2014, was looking at major-major surgery in January of 2015, so bought myself tickets for SOI as a reward for those two things! Went to both Phoenix shows, saw Adam & Bono close-up (we were about 6 people deep in the crowd so didn't get autographs) the 1st night, met Adam & got his autograph the 2nd night (!) and I will never be the same. The shows were everything I ever dreamed of, and more. I will NEVER forget the opening (after Bono was done with all of those whooo whooo's) when Edge played the first chords and Larry kicked in and OMG.