My grandmothers guest house in Dublin was recently taken by the City of Dublin and added to their Derelict properties register. Unfortunately, my mothers side of the family has a history of mental illness, and three of her four children (including my mother) had psychological trauma from their upbringing, and when my grandmother died, none of them were able/willing to take care of the property. They spent three decades fighting over it, but never moving on it, and eventually there was a fire due to bad maintenance and it was finally condemned. Meanwhile, the grandchildren, including myself, have been trying to get the city to take over the property and restore it.
So, now that the city has ownership, I'm confident it will be restored.
It certainly counts as a strange abandoned building. It has 11 bedrooms, four bathrooms, three living rooms, a restaurant kitchen, a family kitchen, a dumbwaiter, horse stables and what used to be a secret entrance. It was used by the IRA as a safehouse during the War of Irish Independence (1919-21), and for several years it was a literary hub, with men like WB Yeats, James Joyce, Sean O Casey being frequent guests. Sinn Fein was founded by Arthur Griffith, who used the house as a meeting place in the early days.
Neither I nor my family have any financial interest in the property anymore, so I'm just glad the city now owns it and can restore it.,-6.2643312,3a,75y,246.2h,105.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTJbb8QxXTshQaJ0e3H_KzA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu