Eamon Dunphy's book:

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Zoo adam

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Eamon Dunphy's book:
« on: March 21, 2024, 11:08:38 AM »
Remember it got a lot of publicity when released.

U2 were massive at the time. Pre internet, the first proper book on them.

An authorised biography. As McGuinness had approached Dunphy. Dunphy agreed but wisely said providing nothing could vetoed.

Bought and read it. Found it very interesting.

Heard U2 didn't like it as it portrayed Adam as a bit of a party animal.

A 20 something rock star a bit of a party animal? I don't believe it.



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Re: Eamon Dunphy's book:
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2024, 02:51:57 PM »
I believe it was the first proper U2 biography. I remember it wasn’t very interesting and got a very bad review from Neil McCormick, I believe.

To be fair it was written in 1986, just as U2 were reaching their messiah complex. The best was yet to come.
A dangerous idea that almost makes sense...


Zoo adam

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Re: Eamon Dunphy's book:
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2024, 03:02:11 PM »
It was released in 87. There is a whole chapter on TJT.



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Re: Eamon Dunphy's book:
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2024, 05:09:37 PM »
It was released in 87. There is a whole chapter on TJT.
It was written for the most part in 1986. That was one of the main point of the bad review : that the Conspiracy of Hope tour took too much space in the book because that was the only time Dunphy spent with the band.
A dangerous idea that almost makes sense...


This Dave

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Re: Eamon Dunphy's book:
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2024, 10:55:22 PM »
Remember it got a lot of publicity when released.

U2 were massive at the time. Pre internet, the first proper book on them.

An authorised biography. As McGuinness had approached Dunphy. Dunphy agreed but wisely said providing nothing could vetoed.

Bought and read it. Found it very interesting.

Heard U2 didn't like it as it portrayed Adam as a bit of a party animal.

A 20 something rock star a bit of a party animal? I don't believe it.

Funny how Adam’s lifestyle simultaneously crossed the line into “If this was your friend, you’d be concerned about them” while being NOWHERE NEAR the same universe of other bands at the time.