Liked it when released as a single. Different vibe to the original. Nice piano & choir.
Don't hate it. Thought I would cringe from what I remembered from first listen. But didn't. At least different to the original but not in it's league.
Stories for Boys:
Perfectly listenable. Quite fresh sounding after 40+ years of hearing just the original.
11 O'Clock
Ditto Stories.
Out of Control:
Ditto stories.
Beautiful Day:
Similar to the original. Don't like the new lyrics.
Despite Edge strumming away as if his life depended on it, the new version can't fade the original.
Don't like the new lyrics. But that is me being stuck in my ways after 39 years of the old lyrics.
Larry's drumming & Bono's 1984 'Wide Awake' voice missed.
Every Breaking Wave:
Exact same version from before. Which is lazy as isn't it already on 'Songs of Orchestra' & extended version of SOI?
Prefer the original.
Cringe alert - last 10 seconds.
Walk on:
Didn't mind the lyric changes. Apart from that not much different to the original.
Like it. The first & strongest of the singles. Different pace & sound to the original.
Couple of highs. Couple of cringe moments. Songs listenable.
Originals of Bad & Streets too good to be played around with.
Decent strumming from Edge. Stripped back style good to hear after previous over produced albums were too watered down.
EBW is a cheeky attempt to get a song added with minimal effort.