My Bond film rankings from 26 to 1
26. No Time To Die (2021) - Only Bond film I out and out hate. Lame villain, bad plot, and one of the worst endings in film history.
25. Live & Let Die (1973) - Just kinda ridiculous. Bond starting to become a satire.
24. Moonraker (1979) - Way to campy and some really bad graphics.
23. Die Another Day (2002) - The villain changes from a Korean to an Englishman? Bond surfs a Tsunami? Halle Berry coming out of the ocean was nice though.
22. Never Say Never Again (1983) - Connery past his prime, but it's still nice to see him as Bond. Movie is nothing special though.
21. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) - I know this one is starting to get some love, but Lazenby is just too wooden as an actor. This would be mid-tier if Connery was in it.
20. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) - It has its moments, but you can tell Connery has started to check out of the role.
19. The Living Daylights (1987) - A decent movie, but really nothing special. Dalton's Bond lacks the charm of Moore or Connery.
18. Spectre (2015) - Convoluted plot and Blofeld being Bonds step-brother is ridiculous. Some good action scenes though.
17. A View To A Kill (1985) - A great villain and some cool set pieces, but Moore was too old by this point.
16. You Only Live Twice (1967) - Some good stuff here, especially the ending sequence when Bond infiltrates the volcano lair, but Connery in the Japanese disguise was laughably bad.
15. The World Is Not Enough (1999) - A good movie with a cool idea to have the girl have Stockholm Syndrome. Denise Richards can't act though.
14. Quantum of Solace (2008) - One aspect of Craig's Bond films is they try to be too smart for their own good. Plot gets convoluted but it does have a good Bond woman and some nice action scenes.
13. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) - A good but not great Moore Bond film. Some hokey scenes but Christopher Lee is one of the better Bond villains.
12. Octopussy (1983) - I like this one better than others do. It is a bit goofy but the stakes are high and it has some memorable villains.
11. License to Kill (1989) - Tough one to judge as it doesn't really feel like a Bond film. It's basically a revenge film without the high stakes Bond normally has. I rank it high as an 80's action movie but not so high as a Bond movie.
10. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) - A lot to like here. Cool plot with a media mogul creating a war for ratings.
9. Thunderball (1965) - The first Bond film to go all in on gadgets. Very good but not as great as Connery's first 3.
8. For Your Eyes Only (1981) - I like this one for taking a step back from the camp of Moore's 70's Bond films. Some great action sequences although Moore is starting to look a little old for the role.
7. Dr. No (1962) - Connery absolutely owns the screen. Sets the tone with his look, physicality, and charm. Relies more on plot and Connery than on gadgets or effects.
6. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - The best of the Moore films. Maybe the best Bond girl (Barbara Bach) and a great villain in Jaws.
5. Skyfall (2012) - Maybe the most personal Bond film. Outstanding visuals and an epic ending.
4. From Russia With Love (1963) - Kinda sets the stage for all that follows. A really strong plot and the beginnings of seeing Bond as the globe-trotting super spy.
3. GoldenEye (1995) - Fantastic debut for Pierce Brosnan. This is a really fun Bond film which was needed after the very serious Dalton Bond. 2 great Bond ladies and some of the best action of the series.
2. Casino Royal (2006) - This would have been number 1 if not for a bit of a weak ending. Craig delivers a tough as nails Bond without any of the playfulness of the previous renditions. Superb plot that keeps you invested throughout.
1. Goldfinger (1964) - I went back and forth between this one and Casino Royal. Truth be told I've probably watched Casino Royal more, but Goldfinger is just so iconic. Connery at his peak, one of Bond's greatest villains with a great henchman, awesome plot, and a satisfying ending. Connery over Craig and a better ending puts Goldfinger at number 1.