Say it isn't so...

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an tha

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Say it isn't so...
« on: November 30, 2017, 03:54:54 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 03:58:09 AM by an tha »
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man


The Edges Cat

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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2017, 04:41:40 AM »
An Tha, my only advice is to stop reading these reviews and listen for yourself on Friday.

ATYCLB is the last album I'd think of to compare SoE to, they pulled that out of where the sun don't shine (and I like ATYCLB a lot). Trust me, and trust everyone else here who's enjoying the SoE leak. Trust The Exile! He's made a pretty solid album out of the tracks he likes, and you know he's on the same level as you when it comes to U2.
The Edge: “[Eno] would love to see us making albums a bit more like [Zooropa]. Where we go, ‘You know what? We’re not going to second-guess any of this. Let’s just go for it.’”

U2 Fans: We'd all love to see that, Edge.



Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2017, 05:02:17 AM »
 I'm an old school U2 fan and much prefer everything pre-pop. They have had the odd gem since but I think this could be a very good album. Its early day so I will see how I feel in a month or so. 'The Little Things' more than takes off and is the best song they have produced for many a year. I really love Landlord as well, very different.  It's leaning more to the poppy side of U2 but these are beautifully crafted pop songs.


an tha

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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2017, 05:04:02 AM »
You are a good man, Cat!

I am cool with it all - I like reading the reviews and take them all good and bad with a pinch of salt!  :D

Just thought these comments were 'funny' and a good discussion piece given my thoughts about 'Behind' and the genre 'Adult Contemporary'

Tomorrow will begin the reveal...!
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man



Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2017, 06:06:36 AM »
I want to hear YOUR review, an tha!



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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2017, 06:21:42 AM »
SOE is a mastery of the post - POP sound on every level.  It even relaxes back in ambient moments naturally or by design with 9 producers.  Many songs are appropriate the age and vision of wiser men.  There is no need to fear the breezy part of the album (unlike the pig vomit of NLOTH Crazy-Boots-Suc).  6-7-8 here is rich in sound/creativity.  Edge uses power chords in a chipper manner.   The songcraft is the best since Zooropa. 

Blackout is the weakest track and I give it a 7. 

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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2017, 06:30:57 AM »
SOE is a mastery of the post - POP sound on every level.  It even relaxes back in ambient moments naturally or by design with 9 producers.  Many songs are appropriate the age and vision of wiser men.  There is no need to fear the breezy part of the album (unlike the pig vomit of NLOTH Crazy-Boots-Suc).  6-7-8 here is rich in sound/creativity.  Edge uses power chords in a chipper manner.   The songcraft is the best since Zooropa. 

Blackout is the weakest track and I give it a 7. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Although this is an encouraging review of SOE, I am simply AGHAST (do ya like that word?) at the pig vomit statement...SUC is not pig vomit. Anyway, I don't think pigs actually vomit, Zeri.  :)



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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2017, 06:53:42 AM »
It's nothing like any other U2 record.

There's sounds on there I've never heard from U2, and I really like most of them.
Let the past die. kill it if you have to.



Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2017, 06:56:15 AM »
It's nothing like any other U2 record.

There's sounds on there I've never heard from U2, and I really like most of them.

Are there any unusual instruments for U2 in the mix?



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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2017, 07:55:25 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)
Although you may take my opinion with a grain of salt (based on our whole "Waterboys fiasco"😜), I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I have never been one to love or defend everything U2 have released  simply because they are my favorite band. I personally was extremely disappointed in SOI and quite frankly HATED the pre released songs on their own. And I didnt  particularly enjoy Little Things live. However, after listening to this for the past few days, even those songs sound better within the context of the album. I don't LOVE every song, but there are some stellar tunes on here (including on the deluxe that I feel should just be part of the album proper). Front to back (and I believe it's meant to be heard this way) this is the first U2 album I've been really excited about in quite some time.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 08:30:15 AM by Kmama07 »
Hey, hey, sha la la



Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2017, 07:58:45 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)
Although you may take my opinion with a grain of salt (based on our whole "Waterboys fiasco"😜), I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I have never been one to love or defend everything U2 have released  simply because they are my favorite band. I personally was extremely disappointed in SOI and quite frankly HATED then pre released songs on their own. And Didn't particularly enjoy Little Things live. However, after listening to this for the past few days, even those songs sound better within the context of the album. I don't LOVE every song, but there are some stellar tunes on here (including anew on the deluxe that Infeel should just be part of the album proper). Front to back (and I believe it's meant to be heard this way) this is the first U2 album I've been really excited about in quite some time.
So encouraging! I can't wait much longer...



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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2017, 07:59:26 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)

I don't understand what 'adult contemporary' even means TBH. I mean, I know adults who listen to little mix and westlife, and others who like Tupac and Kendrick, so I don't know how the music industry even attempts to categorise elements of music into certain boxes labelled adult contemporary.   

If I was to give you a heads up an tha it would this:

-Don't be expecting lots of innovative, off the scale industrial/techno sounds like we heard in the 90's.
-There will be a few songs you won't like for sure.
-you will be surprised at the amount of songs I'm certain you will like.
-Bono's voice isn't as screechy as often as it was on the previous 3 or 4 albums. There are moments, yes, but not as many.

I'm looking forward to reading your review. I'm certain you will find nuggets of gold from the album like most of the rest of us have. Hope you enjoy it!



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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2017, 08:19:31 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)

I mean, I'm not going to tell it's nothing like ATYCLB. GOOYAW is clearly a successor to the Beautiful Day-like sound and there are congruencies between songs to be found on the two albums. But I think SOE is a bit more adventurous, and is a LOT more consistent in quality throughout the entire album. Also, you will be pleased to know there's really no song that is quite like Elevation on the album...

Even with similarities though, I don't think I would say that if you don't like ATYCLB you will not like this album. It still deserves an honest chance - and, while it may not be exactly your cup of tea - I think you will find things about the record that are redeeming.
Hold on, people! The man's talking about waste management. That affects the whole damn planet.


The Ultra Beasts

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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2017, 08:25:44 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)
It really isn't.
Sign me petition to get some great missing albums on Spotify!



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Re: Say it isn't so...
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2017, 08:31:09 AM »
Just read a review of SOE that contains the following statements...

"Songs of Experience rarely deviates from the template that 2000’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” established"

"Regrettably, the band rarely builds up enough momentum to achieve lift-off, instead slowing to an adult contemporary-friendly gait"

"ATYCLB and Adult Contemporary"  :-\

Come on folks, say it isn't so and why...!

Come on do it for me!  ;)

I don't understand what 'adult contemporary' even means TBH. I mean, I know adults who listen to little mix and westlife, and others who like Tupac and Kendrick, so I don't know how the music industry even attempts to categorise elements of music into certain boxes labelled adult contemporary.   

If I was to give you a heads up an tha it would this:

-Don't be expecting lots of innovative, off the scale industrial/techno sounds like we heard in the 90's.
-There will be a few songs you won't like for sure.
-you will be surprised at the amount of songs I'm certain you will like.
-Bono's voice isn't as screechy as often as it was on the previous 3 or 4 albums. There are moments, yes, but not as many.

I'm looking forward to reading your review. I'm certain you will find nuggets of gold from the album like most of the rest of us have. Hope you enjoy it!
All of this!
Hey, hey, sha la la