Fascinating read, Codeguy. You are the kind of writer who can transport the reader back to a particular time and place, even though it was very personal to you, in a very evocative manner. I remember when Achtung Baby came out, too. I was pregnant with my second child. The stomach muscles, having already once been stretched, were quicker to pop! I decided to use Achtung Baby as my personal workout album. There's a photo of me with large 90's style headphones, very pregnant with bare belly sticking out, jamming to Achtung Baby. Exercising to this album made me feel strong, capable, and full of life (which I was!). Although it was a new style for U2, I was easily sold on the pulsating rhythms, clever lyrics, and funky grove. We did not get the full-on Adam on the cover since in the U.S. we of course are not known for our strong level of comfort with the unadulterated human form (thanks, Puritans!). (Instead, there was a large black X placed in the strategic area.) Anyway, lots of good memories of the release of this album, which for me represents strength and fecundity, served up with lots of attitude!