I was just thinking about three of my favourite singers who I saw whilst out shopping, years ago, and wondered if anyone else has had any similar encounters with singers/musicians who they like, in similar circumstances?
In the late 90's, whilst living in Bristol, I was walking along the harbourside when Glenn Tilbrook of Squeeze walked past me! I've always adored Squeeze and have seen them (and Glenn solo) in concert several times. I don't know what Glenn was doing in Bristol on this occasion (he certainly wasn't doing a gig there, I'd have known and would have bought tickets!) but it was such a surprise to see him! I was tempted to talk to him but decided against it as he seemed to be walking at a very fast, determined pace and probably didn't want to be bothered!
A few years later, after moving to Cardiff, I was in a small newsagents in the Hayes area in the centre of town, browsing at magazines on the shelves when I noticed the guy standing next to me, also looking at magazines - Neil Hannon of The Divine Comedy! Another artist I adore and have seen in concert. Again, he wasn't doing any gigs (not ones I knew about anyway) in the area but what a shock to see him! Again, I was tempted to say Hi and embarrass myself by gushing about what a big fan I was but decided against it as he seemed to be keeping his head down and not looking at anyone so I figured he probably didn't want to be bothered by anyone. It was a thrill for me to see him though!
The funniest encounter for me though (in terms of crazy coincidences) was when I was in the HMV store on Queen Street, buying a copy of the latest (at the time) Manic Street Preachers album (early 00's) and was walking along one of the aisles with the CD in hand when who should come walking towards me but - yup, James Dean Bradfield of Manic Street Preachers!! Now, I couldn't just not say or do anything so I simply smiled at him and held up the CD I was buying, for him to see. He looked at it, smiled and said something like "cool, thank you!" Again I'd have loved to have talked to him but didn't want to bother him. When I was at the till buying the CD he walked up to the next cashier along from me with his own purchase of whatever he was buying. He looked and smiled again and I smiled back as I walked out of the shop. He looked like he was in a good mood, so maybe he wouldn't have minded me speaking to him but there you go, I guess I just feel awkward about pestering celebs when they're out and about on their own time, just doing their shopping, etc. At a stage door after a gig or a red carpet event or something like that, that's different, they expect fans to approach them for autographs or whatever but I don't like to bother them when they're on their own time. I do sometimes kick myself though for not saying anything to Glenn, Neil or James as, lets face it, how often am I going to encounter them like that again?! Lol.