Got the idea for this from the ongoing and really enjoyable 30 years, 30 songs in 30 days thread...
There are some people here who don't really listen to much if any music outside of u2, there are some who clearly do and listen to a wide spread and there are probably a lot of us who fall somewhere inbetween.
So whilst posting in that thread for 2002 today i talked about an album that i liked and i talked about how i felt i thought u2 fans here may like it - and that gave me the idea for this thread.....
SUGGEST AN ALBUM THAT YOU THINK YOUR FELLOW U2 FANS HERE MAY LIKE....does not even have to be one you like all that much, could be an album you know that you think maybe some may not know that they may enjoy because it is a bit u2 like....COULD EVEN SUGGEST IT FOR A PARTUCULAR MEMBER HERE WHO YOU KNOW THEIR TASTE WELL.
The main thing though is rather than just being an album you like or love, try and suggest an album that fits with the known tastes of the u2 fans you share here with/u2 fans generally.
Maybe be fun if people then engage with the suggestions where they want to and discuss how they found them etc...
I'll start with this album:
The Last Broadcast - Doves
I am going to throw it out there generally, it is reasonably well known so i'd expect many to know it......but i am also going to 'aim' it specifically at my friends riffraff and mpare as i feel it is one they (if they haven't already heard it) would like.....
Over to you all!!