What has changed ?

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What has changed ?
« on: April 14, 2020, 10:12:50 AM »
What "little things" have changed in your life due to the virus?

We used to help pick up crap around the neighborhood...discarded water bottles, fast-food bags, etc. Now we don't touch them. This saddens me.

I used to just kind of give a little tug on the t.p. roll and use whatever unrolled...now I count the sheets that I use. This makes me laugh.

We are talking more with the neighbors up the hill from us...from a safe distance, of course. This is very nice.

We are avoiding our downhill neighbors even more, because they have people coming and going all the time. This is not nice.

How about you?

Surrender, dislocate



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2020, 10:22:48 AM »
Sad to report, i feel that this virus has impacted on my relationship with my son. He wanted to go home today. For the first time in his life, he chose not to be with me. I cant blame him, the poor guy must have cabin fever being locked up with me 24/7.
Im too scared to get out for a walk. Everyone and their dog seems to be going out for walks. I dont want to risk it. The saddest part is....walking is one of the only thing Kieran enjoys. he doenst watch movies or TV. He doesnt play computer games. he doesnt read. He literally has no interests or hobbies. It breaks my heart that he is like this. But the situation is ten times worse now. If only he could lose himself in a good book, movie or game for a few hours a day.
All he does is lye on my bed. Occasionally, he will put on my Radio and listen to his beloved 80s music channel
In the garden I was playing the tart
I kissed your lips and broke your heart
You were acting like it was the end of the world


an tha

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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2020, 10:26:41 AM »
Sad to report, i feel that this virus has impacted on my relationship with my son. He wanted to go home today. For the first time in his life, he chose not to be with me. I cant blame him, the poor guy must have cabin fever being locked up with me 24/7.
Im too scared to get out for a walk. Everyone and their dog seems to be going out for walks. I dont want to risk it. The saddest part is....walking is one of the only thing Kieran enjoys. he doenst watch movies or TV. He doesnt play computer games. he doesnt read. He literally has no interests or hobbies. It breaks my heart that he is like this. But the situation is ten times worse now. If only he could lose himself in a good book, movie or game for a few hours a day.
All he does is lye on my bed. Occasionally, he will put on my Radio and listen to his beloved 80s music channel

Smee - please go out for a walk....it is perfectly safe and it is very important for your physical and mental health, and same goes for your lad.

I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2020, 10:50:38 AM »
Smee, an tha is right...walking outside is safe...just distance yourself from anyone else you see out there. I'm out 3 or 4 times a day. If they ever try to lock me inside completely I'll lose my mind. Get out there...it's okay.
Surrender, dislocate



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 11:06:13 AM »
Perfectly safe to go out and absolutly necessary.
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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2020, 11:35:34 AM »
Caused me to reappraise lots of things in my life.  Planning a lot of things work and personal related so that I can hit the ground running in due course.



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2020, 11:49:28 AM »
I have my office set up at home, my boss came and hooked up my computers and installed a phone.  I go to the office twice a week for about 2 hours (only two of us allowed in the building at once and I wear gloves). 
I miss all my socializing like going to the pub for Happy Hour, going out to dinner with friends, meeting up with my kids for brunch and much more.
I am staying inside all day, but going out for walks.  I go to the grocery store once a week. 
Taking this one day at a time and coming to terms that this will be going on for a long time. 
Who's to say where the wind will take you



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2020, 11:51:12 PM »
So many things.

I used to see my nieces and nephew on nearly a daily basis as my sister lives close. I've only seen them twice in the last couple weeks. I miss them terribly.

We usually have a big family get together on Easter. This year it was just my parents and I. It didn't feel like a holiday at all.

I just had a nephew born in late February. I haven't seen the little guy since he was 1.5 weeks old. I miss him and his older brother and my brother and sister-in-law.

My husband and I usually see each other in person every 3-5 months while we wait for his visa paperwork to go through. We have not seen each other since early December and that was 3 days after we got married. I was supposed to be going this week to see him in the UK. We do not know when we'll get to see each other again or who will be traveling to who.

I used to go to the gym with my niece. It was a time to get in shape and bond. The gym has been closed for over a month now.

I used to take my parents to the store to shop. It's something small, but for my dad it was a big deal to get out of the house, especially after his amputation last May (and an infection that nearly killed him). My dad only goes now if it's absolutely necessary, so 99% of my shopping trips are just me, by myself, wearing a mask, avoiding people and having a bit of anxiety about the whole experience. My parents almost never leave the house now, so sometimes I'll take them just in the car just to get them out of the house.

We have a place in the northern part of our state. Easily my favorite place on earth. I just love being up there, being with family, going fishing, going to the beach, having campfires, going golfing, going for walks. By state order, we cannot travel up to our favorite place for at least the next 3 weeks, possibly longer.

We used to go to church weekly. I'm not super religious, but I enjoyed being at church with my family. We haven't gone to church since late February.

It almost feels like a switch was flicked overnight and life as we knew it suddenly changed.



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2020, 07:16:37 AM »
Yes, the world is different now.
Surrender, dislocate



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2020, 01:14:52 PM »
Yes, the world is different now.
It's just so weird because for as long as I can remember, everything was the same. Nothing changed. Even after 9/11, we still resumed our normal lives fairly quickly. Then this happens and everything has changed, overnight, and we don't know when it'll be back to normal. Total mindfuck.

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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2020, 01:27:22 PM »
Yes, the world is different now.
It's just so weird because for as long as I can remember, everything was the same. Nothing changed. Even after 9/11, we still resumed our normal lives fairly quickly. Then this happens and everything has changed, overnight, and we don't know when it'll be back to normal. Total mindfuck.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Agree...total mindfuck is right. We just have to retrain our minds to live in this new world of ours. It will not be easy.
Surrender, dislocate



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2020, 02:31:14 PM »
I get out on my bicycle for excercise/air.

But - and this will sound trivial - I miss going out and getting a meal at a restaurant. Small sacrifice I know, but I do miss it. I can still order takeout but it's not exactly the same.

But the plus side is that I have been spending more time on the piano, working on some really difficult pieces.
Hold on, people! The man's talking about waste management. That affects the whole damn planet.



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2020, 02:35:27 PM »
I get out on my bicycle for excercise/air.

But - and this will sound trivial - I miss going out and getting a meal at a restaurant. Small sacrifice I know, but I do miss it. I can still order takeout but it's not exactly the same.

But the plus side is that I have been spending more time on the piano, working on some really difficult pieces.
I miss going out for a meal, too. My guy always took me out at least once a week for a nice lunch. It was kind of a date for us...
Surrender, dislocate



Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2020, 03:31:25 PM »
I get out on my bicycle for excercise/air.

But - and this will sound trivial - I miss going out and getting a meal at a restaurant. Small sacrifice I know, but I do miss it. I can still order takeout but it's not exactly the same.

Yeah I miss eating out.

But the plus side is that I have been spending more time on the piano, working on some really difficult pieces.

Did you know that Prince most of his composing at the piano in his living room between midnight and 6am?



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Re: What has changed ?
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2020, 06:53:16 PM »
I'm trying to get back into rehab. Untreated alcoholism ends in jails, institutions and/or death.

Being doing AA meetings online.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 06:54:57 PM by financeguy1 »