For years i had considered my Top 5 favorite (u2) albums to be AB, JT, Pop, Zooropa, and something else. Probably in that very order. Something else is a rotating 5th place, often Boy or occasionally R&H.
However, in more recent years my love affair with POP has just been immense. And i have placed it on a pedestal that shimmers in the sunlight and glows under every moon. I hold it in such high regard because of the journey i have been through with this album. No one, not David or Goliath, nor any conquering army could ever remove POP from the throne in which it resides.
Though lately there is another contender, creeping up the those hallowed halls and sneaking around the kingdoms of excellence and divinity. This little album, an absolute masterpiece, has recently grabbed my attention like a fresh virgin on prom night.
Let me present my new & improved Top 5 favorite albums:
In the past two weeks i have listened to all 5 of these albums. In my opinion, the greatness of 1-3 is nearly overpowering, with 2 being the real surprise.
Everywhere around you someone is slipping away
it's only but a moment they've gone dark for
but you're still looking for them when it's time to play
There is an artist who's disappeared
yet those ideas are still around
and another who's fortunes are all broken
not a canvas to be found
What the hell were they so afraid of?
love is the sweetest sacrifice in life
there's a goldmine on the horizon
past these shadows of a town
Only time knows the answers
questions overflowing, rising waters.
Learn not to fear your destination
as your calling will be fulfilled.