When u2 released......Number 3.....POP

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an tha

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When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« on: September 05, 2018, 02:20:51 PM »
Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop muzak......

You all know the drill by now....
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man


Shank Asu

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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2018, 02:35:37 PM »
I was in high school awaiting the new record.  This was the first u2 album to actually be released when  i was a fan as I didn't really discover their music until after Zooropa was released when i was in Jr. High.



Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2018, 02:40:30 PM »
hmmm...this was around the time I moved from the east coast to the west. I called it "The Great Escape".



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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2018, 02:42:17 PM »
hmmm...this was around the time I moved from the east coast to the west. I called it "The Great Escape".



Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2018, 02:54:19 PM »
hmmm...this was around the time I moved from the east coast to the west. I called it "The Great Escape".

Yeah, kinda like that, except I was in an SUV carrying everything I owned!



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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2018, 03:21:28 PM »
It's was my 56st day on earth, and sure not my last night on that place!
See through in the sunlight



Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2018, 03:31:49 PM »
I don't know, I was really drunk at the time.

I was in Amsterdam the night they kicked off their European tour in Rotterdam.



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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2018, 03:32:40 PM »
I don't know, I was really drunk at the time.

I was in Amsterdam the night they kicked off their European tour in Rotterdam.
Wrong place  ::). Rotterdam is much better!
See through in the sunlight



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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2018, 03:33:14 PM »
I was a senior in high school and it was the first U2 album I bought the day of release (my brother bought me Zooropa and gave me his copy of AB).
I feel my luck could change.



Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2018, 03:42:50 PM »
I don't know, I was really drunk at the time.

I was in Amsterdam the night they kicked off their European tour in Rotterdam.
Wrong place  ::). Rotterdam is much better!

I like the cycling lanes.



Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2018, 07:22:56 PM »
Let me reference a post of mine from earlier in the summer regarding PoP

The first time i heard Mofo,  i was in South Korea,  wandering around with a buddy of mine who was an army officer ( i was a civilian at this time ).  I purchased PoP at the PX on Yongsan Base and we were walking the noisy, crowded streets of Itaewon (a shopping district of Seoul, also had fancy homes, clubs, bars,  etc.) looking for a quick escape and refreshments.  We eventually found the perfect spot and ducked into an upstairs bar to have an afternoon beverage or three.  So we go upstairs to escape the madness below us, delighted to find the spot was empty aside from the young bartender.  We order our drinks when i pull the CD out of the bag and was looking it over.  The young bartender served our drinks and then inquired about the CD,  to which i showed him was "the new U2".  He then asked if i minded if he played it on the bar's sound system....which of course...i was like "hell yeah go for it!". 

So my friend the army officer is trying to talk to me about this or that while we swilled our beverages like pros, but i really wasn't wanting to hear him,  all i could think about was...this is my first listen to the brand new u2 album i had waited for since Zooropa...shut up!  I had heard Discotheque already,  but it sounded nice on the bar's system,  next up was DYFL,  which was ohhhh soooo goood and there i had to order another drink. 

So then after the sonic blow job that was DYFL....you know there's a transition there....the rumblings of something very massive about to happen......like flashes of life in the shadow of death....or vice versa....there was no turning back at this point.  The entire room felt as though it had just been sucked through a black hole and we stood on the other side admiring the event horizon like whores in the night.  To say it was special is an understatement.

After Mofo we had to leave and meet up with someone for dinner elsewhere,  so we settled up with the barkeep and i got my disc back and put it in the case.  As quickly as silence had overcame the second story bar,  which overlooked the madness and mayhem of Seoul traffic,  the chaos of the gridlock traffic started to seep into our room.  Horns honking,  motors revving up,  brakes squealing,  and the occasional pissed off motorist yelling profanities at whoever or whatever.  Suddenly life all made sense now....at this very moment....yeah there's no turning back from that.  20-ish years ago was a great time to be alive.   8)




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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2018, 07:29:23 AM »
Great year, 1997.

I met my wife, got my first "real" job.

Regarding U2, I have 2 contradictory observations :
-Pop got excellent reviews from the french press, especially the "intellectual" press that had joined the Zoo TV bandwagon late in the game, suprised U2 could pull this off (Passengers confirmed this). But it didn't last for long, as soon as the PopMart tour began, the U2 bashing came back.
-Kids are cruel. In 1992 U2 was at the top of their relevancy. In 1997(only 5 years later), they were pushed off the pedestal by new trends and acts (Chemical Brothers, Massive Attack, Radiohead, Bjork, RATM to name a few). U2 seemed very out of place at the Tibetan Freedom concert (and they didn't play very well).

There really was a shift in the perception of U2 from the general public. They went from Kings during Zoo TV (the show to which every other show was compared) to followers / posers.

Personally : love Pop. Hate PopMart.
A dangerous idea that almost makes sense...



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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2018, 11:06:03 AM »
Sophomore in college in central Pennsylvania.

I had been closely following the news and rumors of it on @u2 and other fan sites. Had downloaded the leaked samples of Discotheque and WUDM. Over Christmas break, a buddy and flew from Pittsburgh to Frankfurt and spent 10 days outside of Frankfurt and in Berlin. When we arrived back in the US, the first music video that I saw was U2- Discotheque (the 2nd was Spice Girls - Wannabe, but I digress).

Had classes all morning, so gave a friend down the hall $20 to pick me up a copy of the CD.

First listened to it on my lower bunk bed with my headphones on.

Nobody else in my circle really cared about it. One friend of mine though, who otherwise couldn't stand U2, loved Discotheque and would make me bring the CD along when we drove somewhere. :)

I really think that the band did themselves no favors in the US by having a 4 year gap between Zooropa and Pop. It showed.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 11:12:34 AM by achtungx »
I saw Gloria live. Even if I never see the band live again, at least I saw Gloria live. :)



Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2018, 11:07:57 AM »
Sophomore in college in central Pennsylvania.

I had been closely following the news and rumors of it on @u2 and other fan sites. Had downloaded the leaked samples of Discotheque and WUDM. Over Christmas break, a buddy and flew from Pittsburgh to Frankfurt and spent 10 days outside of Frankfurt and in Berlin. When we arrived back in the US, the first music video that I saw was U2- Discotheque (the 2nd was Spice Girls - Wannabe, but I digress).

Had classes all morning, so gave a friend down the hall $20 to pick me up a copy of the CD.

First listened to it on my lower bunk bed with my headphones on.

Nobody else in my circle really cared about it. One friend of mine though, who otherwise couldn't stand U2, loved Discotheque and would make me bring the CD along when we drove somewhere. :)
(sorry...I can never resist doing that!)



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Re: When u2 released......Number 3.....POP
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2018, 01:09:07 PM »
i was 15 and my dad bought it in 97. U2 was on my radar after HMTMKMKM. he bought it like i said and i listened to it then quickly keep the cd for myself. i took a nose dive into hardcore fandom overnight. i knew that Popmart was in town the night of the show and knew 2 guys with tickets.