Key points:
Flannigan likes SOE more than Achtung Baby
This album is very much about Bono as a father
Book of Your Heart is a bonus track- confirms there will be a deluxe version of the album (also means there's room for Much More Better which is expected to be 1 of the 12 songs)
Flannigan called Edges guitar on The lights to home (golden guitar)
Summer of Love- very light happy song with dark undertone you have to really listen to, to understand. (I think he's referring to Lady GAGA)
Landlady is on the 12 song tracklist. - it's about Ali taking care of him
Current confirmed album songs (non deluxe):
Love is bigger than anything...
Love is all we have left
Much more better
Little Things
American Soul
Best Thing
Summer of Love
Lights of Home
The Showman
Book of Your Heart
Get out of your own way
Red Flag Day